increase desire and enjoy sex more

The Art of Sexual Desire is a self-paced, 90-minute online course with scientifically-backed methods to boost your libido and build a sex life that excites you.

Get Started
Sexual Desire Course by Natassia Miller

“After our son was born 4 years ago, our sex life has been on pause. This course gave us the tools and insights to reconnect both emotionally and sexually. Highly recommend to new parents!”

Nicole R.

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5 star rating

"I was skeptical at first, but my wife encouraged me to give this course a try. I'm glad I did. We learned how to bridge the gap of our desire styles and feel more in sync thanks to the strategies we learned."

George P.

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5 star rating

"At 65, this course has opened my eyes in ways I couldn't have imagined. I only wish I had learned this 40 years ago! I'm excited to put these in action with my husband as we reconnect in the bedroom."

Cindy H.

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5 star rating

Having a vibrant and fulfilling sex life isn't a pipe dream.

Many people experience dips in their libido, and it can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening. Imagine reigniting that spark and feeling a renewed sense of passion and intimacy. This course is designed to help you do just that.

Through scientifically-backed methods and practical exercises, you'll discover the underlying causes of your low desire and learn effective strategies to enhance your sexual wellbeing.

Whether it's stress, hormonal changes, boredom or relationship dynamics, we provide personalized guidance to help you build the sex life you want.

Le me guess, you probably feel like this:
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You have little to no desire, and it bothers you.
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You’re too tired or stressed to think about sex.
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You and your partner feel sexually disconnected.
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You're bored or frustrated with the sex you have.

You crave change but you don't know where to start, don't want to spend thousands on therapy or coaching, and you prefer to do this privately at your own pace.

Man and woman struggling with their sexual desire

HERE'S what you'll learn

Couple kissing in bed
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How your sexual desire works and what specifically prevents you from experiencing more of it.
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Science-backed exercises to increase your desire, arousal and pleasure.
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Communication skills to express your needs and desires effectively.
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Effective strategies to implement change in your life.
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How to overcome guilt and shame to be more confident in bed.
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Reconnecting techniques for couples who want more passion and excitement.

What’s in each module

Wonderlust Sexual Desire Course Screenshare
1. How sexual desire works
Learn about the psychology and physiology of desire, as well as common misconceptions that hold you back.
Wonderlust Sexual Desire Course Screenshare
2. Decoding your sexual desire
Understand how your own sexual desire works and which obstacles prevent you from getting in the mood. Define your ideal sex scripts and learn techniques for successfully achieving the changes you want.
Wonderlust Sexual Desire Course Screenshare
3. Exploring pleasure
Change your approach to desire through hands-on exercises that will help you discover new avenues of pleasure.
Wonderlust Sexual Desire Course Screenshare
4. Moving forward
Learn how to overcome guilt and shame; communication skills to express your needs and desires; strategies to create change with a partner (if you have one); and how to build confidence in the bedroom and beyond.

What people are saying

"This is the sex ed I never had. I’ve been on this journey to learn more about sex and Natassia makes it very easy and approachable to understand. It's helped me explore my sexuality in a safe, positive way, boosting my confidence and connections with others. This knowledge is empowering and something everyone should learn."

Pablo G.

Verified Buyer

5 star rating

"I’ve been in a high demanding role at work for a couple of years and it took a big toll on my libido. What I love about this course is that it normalizes my experience and has a step by step process with questions I never thought to ask myself. Plus, I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned about communication and sensual exercises with a future sexual partner!”

Tammy K.

Verified Buyer

5 star rating

“After 20 years of marriage, my husband and I felt like we were in a rut. I wish I had taken this course when we got married because it would’ve saved us so much time and frustration. We’re doing the exercises to reconnect and in a short period of time it’s already been transformative for our connection and communication!”

Jan T.

Verified Buyer

5 star rating
Meet your instructor

HI, I’m Natassia Miller —sexologist and founder of Wonderlust

For the last five years, I've been researching what it takes to build a genuinely happy and fulfilling sex life and marriage.

It's a common source of struggle, after all. About 50% of American couples report being unhappy with their sex lives and 50% of marriages end in divorce.

So I founded Wonderlust in 2022 with our viral intimacy card deck that makes it easy for couples to talk about sex. Since then, we've grown to over 230K followers across social media and a live sexual wellness event series at Soho House.

We’re on the path to building a library of accessible courses for you to design the sex life and relationship you want. I'm excited to guide you on your journey!

Natassia Miller speaking at the DVF panel
featured in

Ready to start?

The Art of Desire
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90 minutes of video presentation

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10 in-depth chapters with scientifically-backed exercises

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Bonus: 1 private 40-minute session with Natassia

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Lifetime access to the course

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Free course updates

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Buy now


Who is this course for?
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Both men and women who experience a lack of sexual desire and want to improve their sex lives.

Who is this course NOT for?
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To keep this course scientifically accurate, it is not for trans people.

If you’re looking for medical advice, this course is not for you either. You should consult your medical provider.

My partner is the one with low desire. Should I still do this course?
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Yes, it’s a great opportunity for you to learn how sexual desire works, which misconceptions you hold, and how to create change together. While you can’t force your partner to do the exercises, you will be equipped to ask them better questions and navigate this more successfully.

Is this course most useful if I’m in a relationship?
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No. This course is for anyone who either struggles with desire or wants to learn more, regardless of their relationship status. The exercises can be done both with a sexual partner or on your own.

Where can I access everything and can I rewatch it?
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You can access it via your Kajabi dashboard immediately after you purchase it. It's pre-recorded and you will have lifetime access to it. You can watch it as many times as you want, from the comfort and privacy of your home.